Treadmill measurement inconsistencies Topic

Please bear with me since I am new to this App and striving for accuracy .. and to lose weight of course! I apologize if I have posted to an inappropriate forum.

I walk for at least an hour on our home treadmill at 4 mph with a slight incline.
After an hour, the treadmill typically reads around 500 calories, and 155 fat calories burned.

This App’s “Treadmill, moderate effort” quotes 591 calories burned in an hour.

According to the following, I should expect to only burn 334 calories.
Harvard Health Publications reports that if you walk at a pace of 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes, you'll burn 135 calories if you weigh 125 pounds, 167 calories if you weigh 155 pounds and 200 calories in 30 minutes if you weigh 185 pounds. The longer you walk, the higher your calorie expenditure will be.Apr 29, 2019

I’d appreciate guidance on understanding the inconsistencies!

Thank you!

Hi U1188411051-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! Glad you found us. Congrats on making it a habit to walk 1 hour a day. That is fantastic!
I understand your frustration. You are wondering which estimate is correct in relation to calories burned. Each company uses different mathematical equations to produce their calorie burned estimates. I am not sure what equation your treadmill has programmed into it to estimate calories burned while walking. Yes, is true that the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn doing any activity. I would suggest using the estimates from the MyNetDiary app as they take into account your height/weight/age and minutes of activity. They are rooted in science and based on Metabolic equiavalents.
-For the fastest weight loss, we suggest continuing to walk every day however turn off the app feature called Add Exercise to Calorie Budget. Thus you aren't eating back the calories you burned while walking. Does this help?
All the best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you! The reference you gave is very helpful.

Glad to be of assistance. Enjoy those walks~ Joanna



I wouldn't obsess over which method is the most accurate. I take all fitness tracking/calorie counting with a grain of salt as they're all based on averages. No two people are the same but we can use these averages as an estimate of how much we generally burn. I always go with the lowest measurement to be safe. Always better to underestimate.

Good advice to remember! Thank you U11988881147 for sharing.
Any activity is better than nothing. It is all about progress not perfection! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Treadmill measurement inconsistencies