Waist & belly fat Topic

Whenever I eat, my stomach gets big and l can never seem to lose weight around my belly. I feel my belly and waist are big. Any tips?

same- it’s just bloating😒 unfortunately i have tried everything to help but nothin seems to work. the best thing to do is suck it up and suck it in😤😂. love ur body bc you only got one and it’s unique and perfect!!

In the long run, drinking more water if youre not having enough helps. Cause its water retention, if you have lots itll help your body not hold it, and you will bloat initially, but more water will help aid digestion too. There is no real quick fix though. :)

In the long run, drinking more water if youre not having enough helps. Cause its water retention, if you have lots itll help your body not hold it, and you will bloat initially, but more water will help aid digestion too. There is no real quick fix though. :)

You have to lose fat everywhere, not just in your belly and waist, keep dieting you might just store more fat in that region, however you can still lose it. Don’t listen to idiots telling you to love your body, love it enough to take care of it.

Sometimes your loosing everywhere else first. Like me I’ll loose in my face neck waist and last time go is my hips butt. So I’ll notice weight loss but not really where I want to see it first. It will happen keep it up

Thank you guys!!

I have liver damage. Do I have to avoid salt or it causes me to bloat very badly. You can watch my tummy swell if I have too much salt.

Waist & belly fat