Weighing & Measuring Foods Topic

How do we know if the serving sizes are based on raw or cooked foods? Like rice and chicken as an example. Is there a golden rule for this for certain foods?

I find that the calories are usually applicable to the state the food is in its package at the time of purchase. So I measure or weight rice dry. I would also measure or weight oats dry.
I hope that helps.

Hi U1194198438-
Most users find it easiest to measure or weigh food AFTER it is cooked. Meat for example, loses moisture during cooking and shrinks by about 25%. Though there is no "golden rule." Do what works best for you and your lifestyle!
You may find this article helpful: https://www.mynetdiary.com/estimating-portions-for-food-diary.html
Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi, when logging food I enter the state it’s in, for example for rice I type in the search « cooked white rice » although when creating a recipe, say fried rice with peppers etc I just would type « white rice » and enter weight

Weighing & Measuring Foods