Weight gain after long Covid Topic

I put three stone on since 2020 when I was sick with Covid. I used to be an avid cyclist but haven’t been out for 2 years as I had long covid.

I am determined to now lose it and thanks to this app I feel committed.

Has anyone else found they had a massive weight gain from having covid?

I have no motivation after Covid. I feel locked away and worse we moved recently. No one wants to do anything and I feel it's so hard to require myself to keep motivated!!

Hi there U1192946493-
I hope this note finds you doing well and feeling a bit better. Welcome to MyNetDiary! Glad you are enjoying the app so far.

It sounds like you've had a rough go over the last 2 years with long COVID. I am sorry to hear this. Here are a few factors that may have contributed to your weight gain-
1. You mentioned you used to be an avid cyclist and this was suddenly not available to you. Cycling burns a lot of calories, especially if you do it routinely. Without this regular calorie burn, you are likely to see weight gain. I am not sure where you are at with your health, but you may enjoy these gentle at-home videos to get back in shape. https://www.mynetdiary.com/workouts-to-get-back-in-shape.html
Remember to take it slow and listen to your body.
2. The pandemic has been very stressful. Stress can increase cortisol levels in our body and as a result, you may have turned to food as a reward, without even thinking about it! This article provides alternative ways to manage stress: https://www.mynetdiary.com/what-is-stress-eating-and-3-tips-to-overcome-it.html
3. You may have been snacking over the last 2 years more than you realized. Tracking your meals and snacks in the app will help build awareness around your food habits. This article provides tracking tips to help you maximize your efforts: https://www.mynetdiary.com/mynetdiary-food-database.html
I hope this helps~
Please keep us updated on your progress. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank you so much. Am in the middle of exams at the moment but am sticking to the app before I eat anything. I am hoping to start cycling again soon. I do agree that it’s probably the reason I have put so much weight on. I will check out the links. Thank you again

Yes, I gained about 20lbs after having long Covid. I am still fighting fatigue everyday. I am also a college student so I commend you on working through your exams.

Weight gain after long Covid