Weight goal Topic

How can I change my weight goal, it’s not allowing me to change it because it’s too low

Change your height. All diets, info etc don't depend on height, but initial measurements and the goal weight depends on it, so if the bmi less then should be with your height the app don't let you put it as a goal

Hi U1190580530-

We have an awesome support team that can help. Simply email support@mynetdiary.com and they will help sort this out.
We suggest setting realistic weight loss goals between 1/2-1# weight loss per week. If your goal lands you at a bmi of less than 18.5 we suggest seeking help. Striving to lose too much weight can be harmful to your health. And while tracking and using an app like MyNetDiary is helpful for many people, for some it can be triggering. Please read these articles about disordered eating and the connection with tracking as well as our terms of use: https://www.mynetdiary.com/do-no-harm-mynetdiary-supports-healthful-eating.html

Best to you in meeting your health goals and remaining healthy throughout the process~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Weight goal