Weight loss Topic

Can I eat what I want as long as I stay in the calorie deficit and still lose weight?

No because there will still be left overs in your body / system and eating clean is better for health and better in general for when your doing a calorie deficit

Hi U1195080015-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! I hope your tracking is going well.

It is healthiest if you eat balanced meals consisting of whole foods while also staying within your calorie budget. This article maps out servings of veggies, proteins, and whole grains to help you build healthy meals: https://www.mynetdiary.com/foods-for-good-nutrition.html
Here are some healthy snacks to curb your hunger between meals: https://www.mynetdiary.com/superfoods-for-immune-system.html

When cooking at home check out these dietitian-approved recipes: https://www.mynetdiary.com/dietitian-approved-recipes.html

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are happy to help! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Weight loss