Weight loss and Periods Topic

I always seem to gain weight starting a few days before my period, and ending once my period starts. It’s just a few pounds, and I know it’s normal, but it means that I am taking 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back once a month. I feel I have less control of what I eat leading up to my period, and even if I try to control it, I gain anyway.

Any advise on how to minimize the weight gained during my period?

Hi there Hannahoj- Welcome to MyNetDiary!
It sounds like you have good body awareness around weight changes related to your period.

Many women experience the same thing as you! Hormone fluctuations can cause fluid retention before your period. And yet the scale doesn't differentiate between fat gains and fluid gains. Might you focus on other metrics outside of the scale around that "time of the month?"
This article offers some ideas: https://www.mynetdiary.com/track-weight-loss-progress.html
In good health~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hello Hannahoj, I have the same situation as you! I work so hard keeping the diet and even when I do all right, I increase like 2 kilograms in my period! It’s so frustrating! Nevertheless, it’s normal and we just need to keep working. I suppose we see the results when our period is finished.

Weight loss and Periods