Why am I not losing weight :( Topic

I am eating 1200 to 1400 calories a day which is a little below the goal calories suggested. But I find it hard to meet the 1800 while still eating healthy. I work out for atleast an hour almost daily. Some days twice a day. And have quite literally not lost a single pound in a month

What have you been eating exactly? If you have been eating mostly good food, then incorporate some weight training. Trust me, if you combine that plus some cardio, you should be able to see a little bit of change. Just be patient. Change happens little by little each day and you will see soon.

Have a calorie deficit to looose weight

Look into your TDEE; you may be eating too much or too little. You could very well be plateauing so spend at least a day eating more than usual to hit that 1800 mark (if not more and it doesn’t have to necessarily be healthy, like just eat a few extra granola bars in the morning or make a few extra eggs). Are you drinking plenty of water?

Thank you guys for your response. I have been doing weight training as well as a lot of cardio, I see a personal trainer 2 to 3 times a week. She thinks I may be “shocking” my body by not eating enough and working out so much, and that’s why I may not be losing weight. As for my water intake I could probably drink more to be honest

Hi there TattdMommi-
Strong work on committing to this healthy lifestyle! I realize it can be frustrating when you are doing everything "right" and the scale is not reflecting your hard work. Hang in there and check out these tips to help get the scale moving:
1. Tips to break a plateau: https://www.mynetdiary.com/have-you-been-dieting-and-exercising-but-not-losing-weight-try-these-proven-plateau-solutions.html
2. Are you weighing and measuring your portions? It is easy to unconsciously experience portion-creep. Try weighing your food before you eat (using a gram scale) for 2 weeks. This can help ensure you are as accurate as possible with your tracking.
3. I'd suggest not "adding back your calories burned through activity." Simply toggle this feature off under Settings.
4. Finally, with all of your cardio and weight training, I am sure you are getting stronger! Here are some ways to measure progress outside the scale: https://www.mynetdiary.com/track-weight-loss-progress.html
Please keep us updated on your progress~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I started IF and didn’t lose a lb for at least 3 weeks. I was at a plateau when I started? But in the last week the scales show a 5lb loss. I’m trying for 1.5 lbs loss every week. So I guess if I lost another 1lb, I’ll be back on course.
My iron level is really low so I need a steak! Normal is 5-400. Mine is 3, I feel weak and breathless 😳🤔

Maybe you’re plateauing. 😊

Eat less fat go plant based the body will thank you for it. Since thanksgiving I’ve dropped consistently give or take a week here and there where it held on and that is ok.

Learn what your body wants not the mind. 😊

Eat healthy fats and more grass fed beef. (Meat is not bad for you despite the current narrative). Avoid seed oils (use olive and coconut). Cut out lots of processed foods and anything labeled with “bioengineered ingredients”. Eat when you’re hungry. If you eat too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode.
I’ve dropped almost 20 pounds since September and I’ve always had trouble losing weight. I also have a pretty sedentary “exercise” routine. Yes, I do move but nothing rigid as going to a gym.
Listen to your body and don’t stress too much. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep. Stay hydrated. 🙌🏻😊

Why am I not losing weight :(