Why are you using this app? Topic

I’m here because I feel fat, I look fat and my close were shrinking daily. I did keto years ago with my son leading the way. I lost 40 pounds. I tried keto without his guidance and I fail miserably. A friend suggested this app. I have been successful my first 3 weeks. That’s why I’m here.

I feel fat to and I’ve just gained so Mach weight sence my son was born I’ve gained like 50 pounds

I’m on here to track my vitamin & mineral intake while I attempt to gain 35 lbs over the next 6 months

I’m here to learn better habits and logging my meals really helped the light bulb go off, as to how much I was really eating! I’m learning a lot and loosing weight is getting me down I enjoy this process Log it all good days and off days. You can change your way of thinking about foods you eat

Sorry isn’t getting me down

Your partner actually said that? Make sure you are doing it for yourself first and foremost.

I’m here because during the first 2 years of the pandemic I put on 20 lbs and was not feeling comfortable in my body.

I was out of control with emotional eating and not watching portion sizes.

fast forward 10 months and I gradually have lost that 20 lbs. Actually just made it to 20 lb loss yesterday.

my goal is another 6 lbs or possibly 8-10 lbs more but I’m just going to see what my body wants to do

The biggest reason why for me are health and comfortably fitting into the clothing I like. also dating, I didn’t feel comfortable being open to getting to know someone until I felt at home in my body.

also, my doctor recommended I go on a low fat diet when I told her I was concerned about my weight gain, so that kind of helped push me into looking into a way to track. I don’t always eat low fat but lower fat and higher protein does seem to work for me.

I put on 10 lbs during Covid, but as hard as I work to loose it I can’t, because I’m a night time eater and have struggled for a couple of years to stop. I’m hoping the accountability I feel while using this app will help, but so far 6 months in and no luck.

I eat to mach at night to

Why are you using this app?