Community Groups 573 total

Surgical weightloss - bariatric surgery - gastric bypass - roux-en-y 1 topics

A supportive group for people who have had or will have bariatric surgery. 1 topics

Last message on 01/26/16 by MKLMom3: First off, hello, John! I had roux-en-y gastric bypass on September 1, 2015. To date, I have lost 80 pounds, if my math is correct! The embarrassing thing I want to ask about is intestinal gas after consuming too much artificial sweetener. I...

High Carb Lowfat Vegan/ Plant based 1 topics

High Carb lowfat plant based vegan. Lets Share Recipes, challenges, and encouragements! 1 topics

Last message on 01/22/16 by Heatherinknox: Anyone else watched this movie? Changed my life:)

Diabetes Support Group 3 topics

1. Support each other managing blood glucose readings. 2. Support each other with food management. 3. Support each other mentally, with food urges. 4. Support each other with sharing of healthy diabetic recipes. 5. Support each other with exercise management and tips. 6. Start a test support mechanism so when we are deciding to binge on carbs, we can find someone to text to talk to before we eat those nasty carbs that do us all in. 3 topics

Last message on 01/20/16 by ComfortablyNumb: Good evening to all, I have just joined MyNetDiary a few days ago and this group this evening. I am not usually this open about anything. However, there is the saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again...

The Freshman 15+ 1 topics

This group is for college students who have gained weight! topics: stress, freshman 15, school cafeterias, partying among others 1 topics

Last message on 01/19/16 by Dianadaveli: they call it the freshman 15, for me, it was the freshman 30!

Damiano 1 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1 topics

Last message on 11/29/15 by Susandamiano1: Remember to eat a good breakfast and pack a healthy lunch and snack to fuel yourself through your workday!

For the health of it 1 topics

Girlfriends supporting, challenging, & encouraging each other to make healthy lifestyle habits! 1 topics

Last message on 11/21/15 by DonnaAich: Mine is right after work. I've started having a glass of water and a piece of fruit. That helps me keep dinner on track.

Ashley and Amanda 1 topics

Goal is to eat healthy, look and feel good 1 topics

Last message on 11/02/15 by Ashleyharrington: this is probably gonna be easier

100lb ant 11 topics

2 steps forward - 1 step back is still a VICTORY! When you hit a goal whether its tying your shoe without losing your breath, fitting in an amusement park ride, or crossing your legs, we want to celebrate with you! This is a not a judgement zone, politically correctness zone, or edit your words zone. THIS IS a 100 % keep it real zone, sex IS better as you loose weight zone, and tell your dirty little secrets like where you hide those candy bars zone! Let's lose weight together one victory at a time! 11 topics

Last message on 09/22/15 by Godchaser: Day 3 doing well. I have vowed to not spend money on food that I have not pre-planned to purchase. I've planned to eat 3 meals a day and maybe two snacks. So far I've kept with that too!!

We Break Chairs 3 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 3 topics

Last message on 09/09/15 by Anasa: Hello Everyone! I have just completed my second week of this journey and I am working strong on my third week. I just joined my net diary three days ago and I find it to be a great app and much more thorough than my fitness pal. I hope to be at...

Temple repair Fellowship 2 topics

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (KJV) 19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 2 topics

Last message on 09/02/15 by Josh2415: coolbeans your doing great keep it up I don't think I could do your detox diet got to have something to chew on lol a pound a day that's pretty good God bless talk at you later