Community Groups 573 total

Buddy Up! 3 topics

Help members of the group to stay the course on weight loss. Share tips and tricks for getting through pit falls and roadblocks. 3 topics

Last message on 08/30/15 by *0*Lori*0*: Hi All: I went off the radar for a long time. It's so awesome to see your names still here and posting/losing. It's good to be back!

Veggies 2 topics

A place to share recipes and encouragement for people with vegan or vegetarian eating regimens. The name does not imply we simply vegetate on the sofa! 2 topics

Last message on 08/28/15 by Krestiia: I am not actually a vegetarian or vegan because I will occassionally eat meat when at a restaurant or event. But I don't generally buy meat from the grocer. I have heard of the china study but haven't read it myself. I am a Dr McDougall follower....


HI I LOVE YOU <3 1 topics

Last message on 08/26/15 by XSoria: I just realized we are both trying to hit the same weight goal oh yeAHHHH. We can totally do this! THIS MARKS THE BEGINNING OF THE 110 PROJECT. STARING THE MOON AND THE SUN <3

Josh and Terry 1 topics

We are the two best friends that anyone could have :) 1 topics

Last message on 08/16/15 by Tkklemm: I love you!

WLS - Preparing, During and After 3 topics

This group is for anyone that is thinking of having, or has had Weight Loss Surgery. 3 topics

Last message on 07/21/15 by Magnolia26: Actually just changed my screen name to put my "." back so it's not confusing for my current community friends so .. Magnolia.26 Sorry for the double post but there's no edit feature here as far as I can tell ... newbie flying.

Fitness Forum Staff 2 topics

This is a group for Fitness Forum staff so they can understand how it works. 2 topics

Last message on 07/21/15 by Kleatherman: Let me know if u get this message.

CruiseReady 1 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1 topics

Last message on 07/15/15 by Mack-40: Snad- looking good! I'm eating too much...

People Who Are Eating "Paleo" 2 topics

A group who ask questions about the Paleo lifestyle and share information. 2 topics

Last message on 06/28/15 by JimmyMc: Looking for others to compare notes on paleo. So far, it has been easy, with some quick changes in weight and energy. How are you doing? What are you eating?

WellCAT Nutrition - Team 1 1 topics

This group helps support each team member in reaching safe and realistic weight loss goals. 1 topics

Last message on 06/23/15 by Snacrd: It's time to launch! My goal is to build a support community for KSU students seeking healthy avenues for improved nutrition and healthy weight management. I coach students one-on-one at Lafene Health Center but want to offer this as an extra...

Hind - Test 1 topics

Research Study 1 topics

Last message on 06/22/15 by RubaS: Hi