Personal Blogs 13530 total

U1194341018 1 topics

Last message on 08/18/23: current weight: 147 lbs

U1196104729 2 topics

Last message on 08/18/23: Well, I’ve been at this a few weeks now, and I’m relearning that while calorie count isn’t the whole picture; it is an influential part of it. The journey has had it’s highs and lows; drop a few pounds gain them back. But, overall it’s a 10lb drop...

U1192015514 1 topics

Last message on 08/18/23: Dad has been in hospital for 2 months and with that, I have gained 10lbs and struggling to get it off, I used to be active and now I find myself too exhausted. Maybe it’s mental. I make excuses not to set my alarms and I used to walk at least 4...

Healingme 1 topics

Last message on 08/18/23: I am close to being smack next to liver failure. I cannot do that to myself, my family, and my creator that made this body. I am beginning a journey toward healthful eating, and this time I can’t just quit. That is a really scary thought for me...

U1196488018 1 topics

Last message on 08/18/23: Yes, I am exited about this app. This morning I have 146.6 😱😱 let’s see the progress

U1195032738 1 topics

Last message on 08/17/23: How do I 😀

JBisdabest 1 topics

Last message on 08/17/23: In order to eat less sugar, one must focus on something else other than eating, try playing a game or watching some Tv or even working extra. It works for me so you should try it too!

Kendra🩷 2 topics

Last message on 08/17/23: i’ve lost 1lb in a day but i need to lose 11.8 more by the 24th plz help

U1196452352 1 topics

Last message on 08/17/23: Hey!! So I kind of need some inspiration on snacks thats low in calories! Any other recipies would also be great! :D

U1196484386 1 topics

Last message on 08/17/23: I have been struggling with my weight for a while now. I feel that’s a common phrase nowadays. Nonetheless, I was tried of feeling sorry for myself and hating myself and not rlly getting anywhere with it. So I pulled up my big-girl panties and...