2019! Topic

New to this group. Havent seen a posting that is recent. What are everyones goals? Mine is to get strong and lean. I have maybe 20lbs I want to lose as well.

I would ideally like to shed another forty myself. Am down about 35 from where I started last year which is ok. Holidays are tough to get through with your sanity and a smaller belt. Strong and lean sounds great, I hope your plan is working fine you already. Does your plan include exercise or just intake monitoring?

Happy New Year! I think these resources can be helpful to keep the motivation going as we move into the last 2 weeks in January. I think having as detailed a goal as possible is so important!

I like the section in this article about making time for your health. That statement really resonates for me. I find that people set goals (myself included) and don’t always come up with a strategy as to how they will make the time to accomplish their goals. If I sit down and look at my week ahead and map out when I am going to do yoga, prep meals, etc. I am much more likely to accomplish them, as opposed to simply saying to myself that I want to do more yoga, but I don’t schedule it into my day. With an infant at home, this is the only way I have found that I will accomplish what I set out to do!
Here is another article about the new Year and how to make goals stick. Enjoy! Joanna (Dietician for MND)
