Active Support Topics

Active support is a key component for some people in achieving their weight goals. This group is for those looking for active and regular support. Open to people at any stage of their weight loss journey. The only requirement is active participation in the group, by commenting on others posts and contributing your own weekly (minimally) update. New conversation threads are created weekly on Sunday and can be started by any member. There is a post reserved for introductions to tell the group about yourself, a post reserved for weight loss resources, and a post reserved for favorite recipes- please contribute! :) Members are asked to 'friend' other members of the group so as to make use of the blog function. Feel free to jump right in! Together we can all succeed! **PLEASE NOTE** As group size is limited to 10 people, inactive members will be removed to make space. Please post minimally once a week to be considered active or let the group know if you are going on holiday!!

Member Introductions 47 messages

Last message on 04/11/16 by U3434382: Good morning, I hope it's okay that I jointed this group. I'm looking for some accountability you see! My name is Chrissie. I've been a member of MND for ages but I haven't ever really used it consistently. However, when I do use it, weight...

Is anyone around? 4 messages

Last message on 02/24/16 by Hpapayan69: Hope everyone is doing well. I've been sick for the past week with the flu. Getting back on track now. I am finding it hard to get motivated again. I've gotten off track since the Christmas holidays. Been having too many "gluten-free" type foods...

2015-10 Group Discussion Board 22 messages

Last message on 01/08/16 by BirkyWife: Hi all, sorry been away for so long. holidays were rough

Forgive me Diet for I have sinned 5 messages

Last message on 10/06/15 by Leeleeleann: oh I enjoyed it.... it was so DELICIOUS! All 3000 kCals of it!

2015-09 Discussion Board 21 messages

Last message on 10/05/15 by BirkyWife: waves hello. i meant to log in over the weekend but as a mom i wound up going 90 miles an hour this weekend trying to keep up with kids and husband (was his birthday this weekend) weight is holding steady but regained an inch on waist/hips... just...

The holidays 3 messages

Last message on 09/25/15 by TheTroubleRabbit: I agree with your 3 year old- I love Halloween!! ??

AutoPilot to Target Weight 5 messages

Last message on 09/22/15 by BirkyWife: must be.

2015-08 Discussion Board 10 messages

Last message on 08/31/15 by BirkyWife: Sorry i have not posted in a while. me and the family have been moving into a new house. downside is i've been too tired to even go to my Zumba class for the past 2 weeks but i have been getting more days with 10k steps in. once i can find the...

Eating out 3 messages

Last message on 08/11/15 by KaylaF: Definitely be mindful of condiments and dressings which are often left out. A restaurant here in the UK (Wasabi) posts nutrition information of all their products online, but does it for 100g. They then tell you the whole weight of the food but...

2015-07 Discussion thread 29 messages

Last message on 08/01/15 by BirkyWife: Happy Blue moon to you all. been a pretty good week. weight is the same as well as hips but an inch off my waist!.... hopefully everyone has encouraging week, and if not there is always next week!

Active Support. Active support is a key component for some people in achieving their weight goals. This group is for those looking for active and regular support. Open to people at any stage of their weight loss journey. The only requirement is active participation in the group, by commenting on others posts and contributing your own weekly (minimally) update. New conversation threads are created weekly on Sunday and can be started by any member. There is a post reserved for introductions to tell the group about yourself, a post reserved for weight loss resources, and a post reserved for favorite recipes- please contribute! :) Members are asked to 'friend' other members of the group so as to make use of the blog function. Feel free to jump right in! Together we can all succeed! **PLEASE NOTE** As group size is limited to 10 people, inactive members will be removed to make space. Please post minimally once a week to be considered active or let the group know if you are going on holiday!!