Adrenal Fatigue Topic

Has anyone ever looked into just how much our adrenal glands are over-taxed in this busy world? For me, it has really accelerated weight gain and fatigue. Although this is not a medical advice forum by any means, I would be interested to hear how your particular condition has impacted the scales.

Hi SusanWW
I was diagnosed with Addisons Disease following an Adrenal Crisis and hospitalisation in 2014. During the crisis I lost about 10 pounds due to sickness and nausea over the course of 3 weeks but then regained about 6 pounds before leaving hospital. I have to take hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone (steroids) every day for the rest of my life.

Following this I put on 23 pounds in weight due increased appetite from daily steroids within a few months. Although I managed to lose a tiny 10 pounds over the course of 2014/2015 I really struggled to maintain it and ended up regaining 6 of these pounds.

At the moment I'm losing a steady one pound per week with MND but don't feel I'm missing out on meals or treats - my diet is balanced and I'm moving more!

I have been so up and down with my secondary adrenal insufficiency, and have neglected ND. I am back on track with my steroid dosing, so here I am again.

Hi Susan,
How much are you hoping to lose?

I have gained 40 lbs on Cortef. It put me at an all time high of 219 pounds. I dropped three pounds starting on a new diuretic, and my ideal weight is 150 lbs. I have a long way to go!

Adrenal fatigue is what I'm battling with as well. At the moment I am looking to minimize stress in my life and keep it low. I find that the stress has a will on itself, and it fights back. When I try to push stress away, it comes back with a vengeance, so I might as well not try. Fun stuff.

hi Luc,

I agree with you, Stress is a big impact for the scales. I also try to reduce stress whenever I can..

The only effective way I have found to reduce stress is to simply ignore it. The moment you try to do something to minimize stress, you are actually increasing it. It's like fighting the entropy itself, any disturbance actually increases it.

O the book Inner Golf, which is at least 20 years old the author states their are two selfs. He calls the self1 and Self2.The first is the one in your head, you know the one who never shuts up. The other is you, you’re potential.

One you recognize the difference, we’ll I think it’s MAGIC??

Adrenal Fatigue