Advice for "All or Nothing" attitude... Topic
I bailed on my plan a number of times. What helped was typing up the reasons I wanted to lose weight...they are different for everyone, but pick about five or so. Shrink the font size so it fits on about a business card size piece of paper and print it out. Then, whenever I want to cheat, or binge, or go off track, I make myself read the reasons before indulging. Every once and a long while, I let myself have a bad snack or something, but it has kept me from derailing since I started using the system. I laminated my card so it doesn't fall apart...but that's a little extreme.
Ohhh, yes. I'm notorious for falling off the wagon and eating everything in sight!! I feel your pain. The only way I've stopped that cycle is to think of things in terms of CALORIES...for instance, in the past if I ate a huge, fattening lunch I'd just think, "Oh, I'll just eat that pizza for dinner, and have some ice cream because tomorrow I'm going to hit it hard again." Now, I think more like, " I just had 600 calories for lunch. If I eat pizza for dinner and follow it up with ice cream, I'm going to have to add another 2500 calories to my day!"...and usually I talk myself back onto the wagon. Good luck. I know how hard it is.
i feel your pain, the most difficult time for me is after 7:00PM. i've blown so many days by not tracking my calories during the day and feeling trapped by my daily calorie goal. If i'm really close to my 2200 calorie goal and still hungry, it's so easy to give in :(
I've never been addicted to any substance, but i find with food, it's easy to become overconfident because of a recent weight loss and paradoxically reward yourself with food!
@AprilM 18 stone here in the UK is 252lbs.
No one has the "all or nothing" attitude more than I do. In January of this year I decided to eat healthier, exercise and stop smoking all at the same time. Some people called me crazy for it but I believe these things all go hand in hand. As of this morning I'm down 40 pounds with 60 to go. Time is on our side people :)
As for cheating, or "blowing" your calorie plan for the day, please see it this way: I can't remember where I read this recently but it's sooooo true. After running through a red light while driving your car, will you run through every single red traffic light you encounter for the rest of the day just because you've burned one? I used to do that ALL THE TIME. But now, whenever I allow myself a chocolate bar or a spoonful of peanut butter, I just enter it in my MND and never feel guilty anymore! As long as every bite of food is entered. Good luck to everyone.
A good friend of mine once asked me "if a waitress was carrying a tray of glasses and one fell, should she throw the whole tray down?"
I too must abandon my "all or nothing" attitude. The only one it's hurting is myself. I know that I am alot stronger than I often give myself credit for!!
Hi new group :)
Looking for some technical advice!! How do folks plan meals on the site? Is this possible on the iPad app or web page or is it a case of old schoolmpen and paper?
Thanks for your help.
Oops - just realised I posted on a thread by mistake. Sorry - will learn!!
replied to Onmyway
Yup-it's all too easy to give in especially when you have a busy schedule. I have been packing apricots and walnuts- 1/4 each in sandwich baggies that I carry with me everywhere. I was actually in a situation last week where I was with a group at McDonalds and instead of ordering I was able to pull out my snack baggie. It truly saved me and I felt really good about eating that versus the junk at McDonalds. When I do over indulge I try to make it worth it on something extremely delicous-that way it's more like a special treat. This is taking way more discipline than I care to apply to eating but I know I have to because otherwise I would just go hogwild and I don't have the control to stop or more often to make the right choices. I've also let everyone around me know I am really trying hard to keep to a special diet and would rather do an activity than eat out. It's been helping my friends too.
I am in a serious situation where I stumbled accross high blood pressure after a stressfull week. I now want to change my eating to ensure my health is better.
I care for my disabled wife full time, and it really messess up my diet and energy for cooking for her and the 3 kids.. but I would get take away, but not eat that... I'd make myself food at 10pm and it doesn't help. I now vow to have an ALL attitude.... and make myself have breakfast, lunch and dinner at good times.. and watch the calories in my budget...
Good Luck to all of you
Advice for "All or Nothing" attitude...