Alternate Day Fasting Success Topic

I have been doing ADF three times a week consistently for the month of October. I tried so many times earlier this year but it was a hard and a miserable process that I couldn't stay on.

In September I decided to try again and this time set my mind to it. I lost 7.7kg in the month of October! 17lbs. Additionally my plantar fasciatis went down by 95% and ive developed great habits, including: 2L water daily, 60min walk daily, 3 green tea daily. Fasting is not hard anymore and I dont feel cravings or hunger. If temptation arises it went away with some decision making on what matters to me.

I want to lose 15kg by 31st of December 2023. Last week was a hiccup but i know it's because my monthly is due.

If you are waiting to try ADF, do it! It will be worth it. It takes time to adapt but if you have the right mindset half the battle is won. Keep trying!

You can do it too!

Alternate Day Fasting Success