always hungry and cant resist junk! need help!!! Topic

I have to avoid getting any kind of snack/sweets to home as I tend to eat all of it, even kids' chocolates.

I hate myself for this as I tend to gain 10 pds in a few months just by overeating.

I then go on a period of strict healthy food diet, include a bit of exercise as no time with work and kids.

help me!!!!

need your advice and your company to combat this!

Sukhmanl: This is the ketogenic (low carb/high fat) area of which I hope you're aware. If you're always hungry you aren't getting enough fat. I low carb diet is NOT a high protein diet: it's high fat - usually a minimum of 70% fat. Also make sure you're getting enough calories. Because of the way low carb/high fat is metabolized, you can actually consume more calories overall than if you're following a high carb diet. My macros are currently set at 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. For fats, use natural fats on meats as well as butter, high fat cheese, and cream rather than milk. Also good fats will include eggs, avocados, mayonnaise, cold pressed olive oil, macadamia nuts, olives, macadamia nut oil, etc. Your carbs should come from leafy green vegetables. For exercise you can go for a walk with your kids, ride bicycles with your kids, play catch, jump rope, shoot baskets - lots of fun exercise things you can do where you can include your kids.

I think the secret of combating cravings for sweets is to lower carbs to 20 grams per day or under. You have to stick to it for a week or two - then your cravings will be gone. It's just like quitting smoking in that regard. One trick i use is to have high-fat treats on hand that (like fat bombs that are artificially sweetened - a fat bomb is a mixture of coconut oil, butter and almond or peanut butter, sweetened with sucralose or stevia, and poured into small molds, then frozen until hardened). I sometimes eat bacon for the same reason. Nuts are another good substitute. Of course, everything has calories, so you have to take that into account. You do have to do a little work to make these things and have them on hand.

My opinion on artificial sweeteners is that anything that feeds into your need for sweets is just prolonging your sweets addiction. A fat bomb is a good idea, as long as it is an unsweetened fat bomb. I'm not trying to sound nasty, but I admin a low carb high fat page on FB and one of the things we all suggest is to just plaing cut out all sweeteners and break the sweets addiction.

always hungry and cant resist junk! need help!!!