MyNetDiary Person: Amhalaszyn

Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 201.4lbs on 04/19/20
  • Current weight: 196.4lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 16.4lb
  • Timeframe:
  • Lost so far: about 5lb

About me

Current goal: In my adult life, I've never weighed less than 185lbs, and usually more than 195. I'd love to feel what it's like to be at a healthy BMI, which is closer to 170 for my height.
Favorite diets: I'm reducing -- but not eliminating -- meat in my diet. I think in general, we've become accustomed to too much animal-derived meat products.
Favorite activities: Mountaineering, playing music, and laughing.
Need help with: Holding on through the early stages of a new commitment.
Geographic area: Greater Seattle Area