Anyone else on here trying to gain weight? Topic

Hi Train! Glad to hear the app is helping you meet your goals. From the little that you shared it sounds like you are approaching weight gain from a very healthy standpoint. When clients ask me for advice on how to gain weight I share very similar tips to yours.
1. Snack on nuts (raw, unsalted are best)
2. If you are eating fruit. Add nut butter to it
3. Fill smoothies with a whey protein powder + avocados and fruit. Yum!
4. Keep food with you when you are outside the home.
5. Make sure to eat till you are FULL not just starting to feel full.
When trying to lose weight, you would do the opposite. Stop eating before you begin to feel the full sensation.
Good luck as you continue on your journey! Joanna (Dietician)

Try apetamin. Gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks so far went from 103.6 to 114.6 . It helped increase my appetite along with protein shakes. Look on YouTube for more research plenty of people have had some amazing results from that stuff!!

Greetings weight gainers- I hope your progress is coming along well. And whatever time zone you are in you're eating something right now! Here is an article that reviews some important points when it comes to gaining muscle. Let us know if you have any thoughts or questions. Best! Joanna (Dietician)

Your not alone! I'm trying to pick up a couple of pounds myself, having the same issues with a tall stature and weight. I just started taking apetamin, look it up it's great reviews and I've already gained 3 pounds n 5 days

Hi Kesa.Denise- Welcome to MND. Glad you found the group of gainers! How many calories above maintenance are you eating each day? Do you tend to do 6 small meals? What types of foods do you eat before going to bed? I love checking in with folks who are finding success with weight gain, which can be as hard as losing it!
Here is a resource that may be useful to you:
Take Care, Joanna (one of the Dietitians for MND)

Hi gainers! I'm trying to gain weight and with this app, I'm sure to keep eating until I get my daily calories count and add more to it in order to put on weight. I have been skinny my entire life but muscular. I'm 6'3" and only weighs 155 pounds. I'm very active and forget to eat enough throughout the days. I started using this app today and I'm already seeing how helpful it is by tracking calories counts. I'm waiting to see the result in a few weeks.

Hello Moryjamal- I have heard from many clients who are also trying to bulk up that they forget to eat. This is quite common and as you have discovered can put a wrench in your weight gain plans. I am glad the app is helping you. Let us know if you have any nutrition specific questions. Take Care, Joanna (Dietician)

I too am needing to gain weight and have been using the app for almost a week. I love the fact that it does all the calculations for me and shows me where my eating habits need improvements.
Happy gaining everyone!

Help with gaining weight - we have some blog posts on this subject:

Same. Trying to gain weight. I have been a skinny little human my entire life. High metabolism. I am 5’5” and 95lbs. I do eat all day long but not enough and not what I should be. Decided to gain weight the healthy way rather than eating junk food. I have a 1 and a half year old and while pregnant with him I reached 135 lbs. I loved my body the first week after giving birth. I looked healthy (weight wise. I’m sure I looked like a ghost since I just had a baby but still, weight wise I was perfect in my eyes). Of course I lost it all within a month. I am trying to reach 115 lbs for now. I’ve been using the app for a week. So far I’ve been very good at making sure my calorie intake is there. I’ve gained 2 lbs. I can’t say I don’t exercise. Having a 1 year old boy is like going to the gym 3 times a day lol. I’m trying to figure out things I can snack on that won’t cut off my appetite for my actual meals. Any ideas?

Anyone else on here trying to gain weight?