Apple watch Topic

Open your Apple “Health” app
Click on “Sources” at the bottom of your screen
Click on MyNetDiary
Go to the bottom of the page under Allow MyNetDiary to Read Data, then click on “workouts”
I also allow for MyNetDiary to read “steps”

for some reason I have all the health stuff enabled for mynetdiary but its exercise does not match that in apple health/on my watch.
Any ideas please?

Yup. it doesn't make sense because I don't want MyNetDiary as a SOURCE to Health App but, yes, under fine print once you open Sources, it says "Allow or Disallow MyNetDiary" to ACCESS health data types listed here. The top section what you allow MyNetDiary to WRITE and the bottom is what you allow it to READ

?ool thanks! It works!

I love doing this, too, but one thing I would suggest to the team. The Apple Watch tracks stuff like floors, heart rate, and other metrics that MyNetDiary doesn't actually track, even though technically it ought to be able to after importing health data. particularly floors and heart rate. those ought to be doable.

Hello Cambridgeport90,

Thank you for the feedback! I will pass your request to our developers.

Dmitry S.
Tech Support, MyNetDiary

I can NOT get my Apple Watch to display any of the offered MyNetDiary information as a "complication" on a watch face. I have restarted the watch and my phone many times and it still does not work. It used to work. Information from other non-Apple applications display just fine. When I open the watch face info, the MyNetDiary options are available, so there is no issue with linking.

Is there anything else besides restarting the watch and/or phone that I can try?

Hello GregMatt,

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with displaying MyNetDiary information as a complication on your Apple Watch. It's frustrating when something that used to work no longer functions as expected.

Please see the below support article:
* Complications stopped working on Apple Watch -

If the issue persists, please email for further assistance. In your email, provide your user ID number ( the model of your Apple Watch, and the watchOS version that supports this model. This additional information will help our support team better understand your situation and provide more targeted assistance.

Thank you for your patience, and we're here to help you resolve this issue.

Dmitry S.
MyNetDiary Tech Support team

Thank you! Editing the watch face from the watch itself worked. I appreciate your prompt response!

I am unable to link my new Apple Watch with the iPhone App. I tried rebooting
both to no avail. Please help.


Apple watch