Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator Topics

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator

Excessive calorie deficit 2 messages

Last message on 01/13/23 by Dietician: Hello U1192230802- You sound really motivated which is awesome! Losing 11.5 pounds in one week is very fast. Losing weight this quickly is not common and not recommended. It is hard to meet your protein and micronutrient needs when you are losing...

how much of a calorie deficit should i be in? 5 messages

Last message on 01/13/23 by Bigpapimuchacho: okk thanks for the advice 💗

Binging 8 messages

Last message on 01/13/23 by Freya: Drinking 6-8 glasses of water helps me.

Mental health and weight 5 messages

Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi Oxalis, I am sorry to hear you are challenged with mental health concerns. It appears you have been losing weight since January 1 so that is very positive. It sounds like you are maximizing your exercise. That is so helpful for improving body...

Dietary supplements? 6 messages

Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi IsaPresley3, Thanks for reaching out on community! Looks like you've had a lot of helpful responses from others. I agree that you really need to work closely with your doctor to make sure it works well for you with minimum side effects. I'd...

Digestion health supplements 3 messages

Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi U1193958550, Can you clarify what you are looking for when you say good digestion supplements? Are you looking for something to help with constipation or for an overall healthy gut? There are many different strategies for digestive health, both...

Pregnancy and Weight Loss 6 messages

Last message on 01/09/23 by Dietician: Hi SK106, Congrats on your pregnancy! You can definitely use MyNetDiary during pregnancy to track your pregnancy-focused individual weight goals and nutrient targets. You'll want to work with your doctor to set individualized goals to ensure a...

Breastfeeding mum 7 messages

Last message on 01/05/23 by Dietician: Hi U1194033125, That's a common question. kcal is short for kilocalorie. It is the science abbreviation for what people in the US call a calorie. The terms “calories” and “kilocalories” are used interchangeably to describe the amount of energy...

Plateau 3 messages

Last message on 01/04/23 by Dietician: Hi there U1193781695- Thanks for posting your question under the Ask a Dietitian section. We are happy to help shed some light on things. First off, strong work on losing 4 stones! Losing that amount of weight in 8 months is no easy feat....

Active calories decreasing!? 5 messages

Last message on 01/04/23 by U1193989126: 🥂👏🏻

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator. Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator