Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator Topics

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator

Hello! Does anyone know good workouts to help get a smaller or more toned stomach/ waist? 12 messages

Last message on 12/05/22 by Dietician: Hi there U1193799236- Welcome to MyNetDiary! When you sign-up for the app, you'll input your current and target weights, along with a weight loss timeline. Then, the app does all the work for you! It tells you how many calories to eat a day- no...

Best ideas to stay committed? 6 messages

Last message on 12/05/22 by Dietician: Hi there U1193831492- Welcome to MyNetDiary! So glad you have joined our community. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time~ The best advice I can offer you is to be gentle on yourself. Consider logging to get a...

Carbs and fiber 2 messages

Last message on 12/01/22 by Dietician: Hi U1193717109, It depends upon how low your carb goal is, but here are some ideas for high fiber (yet not super high carbs): Chia seed Psyllium fiber Avocado Raspberries Blackberries Collard greens Almonds Artichoke hearts Brussels sprouts...

Holiday family gatherings 4 messages

Last message on 12/01/22 by Annonthemove: Thank you Kathy. That was very helpful. It’s nice to know that this is a normal part of the process. I will definitely use some of those replies over Xmas. I will also set former boundaries so that I only eat more if it feels good to me. Congrats...

Traveling for the holidays. Should I stop tracking? 9 messages

Last message on 11/30/22 by Annonthemove: Thank you! That was very helpful.

Protein shakes 7 messages

Last message on 11/30/22 by Dietician: Hello TwinkeeSlayer- Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like you are in the market for a protein powder. I am assuming you are planning to add this to a healthy balanced diet that already contains a wide variety of foods. I am a firm believer...

loosing weight 7 messages

Last message on 11/28/22 by Dietician: Hi U1193308496- Sorry to hear you have hit a weight loss plateau. While plateaus are normal, they can be frustrating and cause doubt in the process. These tips have helped others get the scale moving. 1. Eat 3 balanced meals/day. This article...

Gaining weight 3 messages

Last message on 11/26/22 by U1193398208: My

Restaurant 3 messages

Last message on 11/26/22 by U1192439212: / ,((4(. ££8

How do I choose the best activity level in the exercise tab? 3 messages

Last message on 11/23/22 by Dietician: Hi BethS- Welcome to MyNetDiary! Strong work on all of your activity. Wow, you are very busy~ Determining activity levels and calories burned from activity depends on your health goals. Are you using the app for weight loss? If so, I'd suggest...

Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator. Ask a Registered Dietitian / Certified Diabetes Educator