Athletes of All Sizes Group Topic

I have started a group called "Athletes of All Sizes". I'd love to connect with other people who are active (hiking, biking, running, yoga, sports, anything). One of my biggest struggles in losing weight is eating the right combination to be in a calorie deficit but still fuel my workouts and stay strong. I hope others will join the group and we can build a community of active members!

Great idea to start a group to support each other. I am by no means an expert but to properly fuel your body you need a combination of lean proteins, healthy fats & complex carbohydrates.
I am not a fan of any of the fad diets - keto, low carb or IF as I believe they all limit things your body needs, especially if fitness is a big part of your life. Long term your fitness will suffer. The best thing about including those things as a big part of your eating plan is they do help to keep you fuller longer & reduce cravings. Good luck!

I know what it takes to fuel my body. I understand macros and nutritional requirements to meet my goals. I just have a hard time sticking to a good balance. I work out or compete and get super hungry and over eat.

This group is for others who are athletes or active to support each other. What is your favorite activity or sport?

I love a variety of different workouts & try to incorporate something in daily if I can. I use Mossa workouts & there is everything from strength training, step, kickboxing, HIIT & even cycling based options.
I used to run 1/2 marathons but those days are behind me.
One thing I do that is against the suggestions given on this site is to put my workout calories in the app. Otherwise I would be the same - absolutely starving throughout the day & would most definitely overeat. I understand that suggestion for people who are doing light activity but when you are pushing your body, it makes no sense to me. There are days I would be in a further 500-600 calorie deficit & that can’t be good.

Exactly!!! I couldn’t agree more. On my competition days, I burn so many calories. I would be losing lean mass if I didn’t eat any of those calories. Being a strongman competitor, that is NOT what I want.

Athletes of All Sizes Group