Calorie Burn through excerise Topic

When you search and pick an exercise that you did it gives you options, you can add how long you did the workout and the calorie burn will be pop up, or you can add your own calorie burn but when you choose this option you can not add the length of time you spent doing that exercise, Is there a way you can do both add your own calorie burn and length of time? I like to add my burn cals because most of the time cardio machines, or apps will give you the wrong number and I always like to put in the number I get from my fitness watch but I also need the ability to add the time I spent doing that workout. If this is not possible could it be a feature that can be added?

Hello Mistyblue,

I passed on your question to our tech support team. You should be hearing from them soon. Glad you are exercising! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thank so much

Hi Mistyblue,

Please create new custom exercise, enter the appropriate value next to 'Calories' and the appropriate period of time (in 'minutes') next to 'Units;' for example, 'Calories'="123," and 'Units' = "10 min." Save it. Then, you will be able to log just portion of this exercise; for instance, "17 min;" MyNetDiary will recalculate burned calories.

Dmitry S.
Tech Support, MyNetDiary

Calorie Burn through excerise