Can someone tell me what format a data export from MND takes? Topic

I am going to want to do my own analysis on my data unless by some miracle MND allows us to create actually useful graphs.

But my experience with MFP and Fitbit is that their data exports are utterly useless. Their formats are impossible to use to do any graphing. Or the format is a lot of JSON files that require incredible amounts of munging to get to be useful. They have indicated in their support areas that they have no intention of making the data exports actually useful.

I am done with MFP because they don't care to actually have marginally reliable food data, nor do they care about allowing us to use our own data. Fitbit I hope I can just use to get the calorie expended totals, get them into MND then export the data from MND in a useful format. Certainly I have no reason to ever pay Fitbit or MFP premium again.

But can someone say what my experience with MND might be?

I have been burnt so badly by these other companies that I barely dare to hope that someone might actually let us get our own data in a useful format.

But the presence of this group implies that MND might give data in a useful format, so I am cautiously hopeful.

I do object to MND requiring us to have Premium to get OUR OWN data back out. But I would rather reward a company for allowing us to get our data out, and actually caring even a little about the quality of the food data.

Can someone tell me what format a data export from MND takes?