Celebrate success Topic

Last fall my A1c was 8.6. I started getting serious about taking care of myself in February. A1c in mid March was 6.9. A1c last week was 6.1.

Another A1c test result 6.2. That translates to an average BG of about 125. My goal is to get it down to 5.5%

Down 20 pounds, 30 to go.

Great job! Keep it up

A1c is down to 5.7%. Only 23 more pounds to reach my goal.

I lost 3 lbs so far. With severe neuropathy in my feet and legs plus hip problem it's going to take awhile for me to lose weight but I'm going to keep pushing myself with the strength and power of The Lord!

My weight loss has slowed but my last A1c was 5.4%

Celebrate success