MyNetDiary Person: Chillon

Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 275lbs on 10/02/16
  • Current weight: 275lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 90lb
  • Timeframe:
  • Lost so far: none

About me

Current goal: To Lose 87 pounds effective January 17, 2015 committed and seeking success
Favorite diets: No real idea - seek support
Favorite activities: Hiking, Reading, Music and Ballet
Need help with: Every element of changes in eating for health and weight loss - using the "Beck Diet" - cognitive therapy as my method and approach
Geographic area: Eastern US
More info: Age - just turned 70 and ready for retirement. I adore both my work and the job but enough is enough. I also have other work - years of university and college teaching - Adjunct Faculty and that will continue. Weight must depart - no question or option.