MyNetDiary Person: Cindy.G

Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 267.6lbs on 03/19/18
  • Current weight: 303.5lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: about 13.5lb
  • Timeframe:
  • Lost so far: none

About me

Current goal: To reach 285lbs first, then another 20lbs at a time until I lose 120lbs. Update: Started calorie counting 4/25/17 with mynetdiary to lose the first 20lb, and reached my goal 6/27/17. Starting my next 20lb today 6/27/17!
Favorite diets:
Favorite activities: I'm currently so immobile, I have no real physical activities right now, mostly because of medical condition, see below. I used to love to be outside and bike ride, roller skate etc. I like to fish when I get out. Id love to go hiking and exploring Idaho
Need help with: Motivation and accountability
Geographic area: Idaho
More info: Stage 4 polycystic kidney disease, need to lose weight to be eligible for the transplant list. Please pray for me, thank you!