Collagen Topic

Even with correct diet, your body’s own natural production of collagen after 30 slows (and there’s science that proves that). I’m just curious to see if anyone has a brand they use and also if anyone uses thermogenic burners.

For collagen I use a complete compound liquid collagen called ProT Gold

Instead of taking collagen, I take Biosil. It’s been blind-tested (the highest standard of clinical testing), and shown to stimulate our bodies to produce our own collagen. If we eat collagen or take collagen supplements, I think we simply digest the collagen as a protein. It makes more sense to produce our own. The Biosil does work, but you have to take it for three months before you see results. After that, you have to keep taking it, or your body will start losing collagen again. I’m very, very pleased with how it is working for me. It’s expensive, but so are collagen supplements and fancy face creams. IMO, Biosil works much better. Note: I don’t work for the Biosil company or know anyone who does.

Also, I think the liquid gel caps work better than the capsules that have the little balls in them. The liquid in the bottle is the most cost-effective form, but I don’t like the taste, even when stirred into juice. So, I buy the liquid gelcaps.

Of course, we also need to eat enough protein in our diets, as Brenda the Dietician said. We can’t make something from nothing! The Biosil is just a stimulator to make us use the protein we eat to make new collagen, just like we did when we were younger.

You can buy Biosil from Amazon, or any vitamin store. I order direct from the company website and have it on auto-ship.

Again, I am NOT associated with the company in any way. I’m just a customer.

Also, I am taking Biosil to help me look younger and to make my joints feel better. I don’t think it helos with weight loss at all, and the company does not make any claims that it does.

Wow good for you

I used to use tried cellulite cream from Superdrug years ago it meant to make u skin go tighter wasn’t over keen on it as didn’t get get rid of fat cellulite the same as eating a healthier
