Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Vacation / no-log days ..... omitted or included in averaging? 2 messages
Last message on 01/10/20 by Dietician: Hello, I apologize for the delayed response. We are typically much faster to respond! The long term reports will only include days logged so you don't have to worry about your vacation day/not logging throwing off your numbers. Happy...
"Try This Southwest Chili Recipe for Some Amazing Health Benefits" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 01/08/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "Try This Southwest Chili Recipe for Some Amazing Health Benefits" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"Top Kitchen Food Essentials Recommeded by Our Dietitians" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 01/06/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "Top Kitchen Food Essentials Recommeded by Our Dietitians" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
Apple Watch connection? 7 messages
Last message on 12/31/19 by Mnd_tech_support: Hello Roccoqq, Our apologies, We would like to learn more about these problems. Please reach us out at Thank you. Sincerely, Dmitry S. Tech Support, MyNetDiary
"How a dry January may help weight loss" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 12/30/19 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "How a dry January may help weight loss" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"3 Ways to stick to your goals and stop holiday weight gain" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 12/18/19 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "3 Ways to stick to your goals and stop holiday weight gain" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"Quick and Easy Breakfast Egg Tacos with Spinach" article discussion 8 messages
Last message on 12/13/19 by Dietician: Hi Jazzalinerb, Let us know how you like it! Yes, it can be easy to get in ""hibernation mode" with cold weather but the exercise can be so energizing. Keep up your great efforts! Sue (MyNetDiary Registered Dietitian)
"4 Tips for Searching & Finding Basic Food Items" article discussion 14 messages
Last message on 12/10/19 by U1187328030: thank you!!! very helpfull
"Top Recommended Tips for Portion Control by Dietitians" article discussion 13 messages
Last message on 12/09/19 by U1187322530: Thank you!
"Easy Biscotti Recipes for the Holidays" article discussion 12 messages
Last message on 12/12/19 by Emillyminaj: Consider trying this method ... it helps me a lot! I lost 54 Pounds Using A Simple 2-step Ritual.
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.