Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
"Are you considering a low-carb diet? Here's how MyNetDiary can help!" article discussion 70 messages
Last message on 12/09/19 by Jaycho12: Hey, I was wondering if you have heard of this weight program before? I was just looking ... for some opinions before I made my decision. By the way I love the content you have been posting lately!
"What's Up with All the Milks?" article discussion 70 messages
Last message on 11/10/19 by Suresha1976: MyNetDiary is literally the BEST weight loss community anywhere. I read it everyday. I am so grateful that I found at, it helped me not only lose weight but keep it off, hope it helps some others
"Is "Healthy Granola" Just a Good Marketing Scheme?" article discussion 6 messages
Last message on 11/07/19 by Dietitian: Hi Jpmerde, great to hear that you are doing well and that your diabetes is well controlled! Granola is a tricky food if you are trying to control carbs and calories. The honey, of course, makes the granola sweeter but there is already dried...
"Nutrition and Hair Loss: Do Supplements Help or Not?" article discussion 15 messages
Last message on 11/27/19 by Ravinder123: Absolutely love this blog. I was so happy I found this, ... I have never felt more good about my self since I have been using this product. Cheers to the weight loss journey!
"High Protein Turkey & Squash Breakfast Hash" article discussion 28 messages
Last message on 11/28/19 by Redfield: My Net Diary is literally the Best weight loss community anywhere, i read it everyday and i am also grateful i found ... it helped me not only lose my fat but keep it off, hope it helps some others!
"3 expert tips on handing out healthier trick-or-treats" article discussion 25 messages
Last message on 11/16/19 by HealthJunky: MyNetDiary is the only blog that I am addicted to. I appreciate so much the lessons and tips I've gotten so far. In my experience there are many ways to lose weight but ... has been the best way to lose weight and keep it off. It makes wonders!
"Healthy Dairy-free Zucchini Brownies" article discussion 21 messages
Last message on 11/28/19 by Redfield: My Net Diary is literally the Best weight loss community anywhere, i read it everyday and i am also grateful i found ... it helped me not only lose my fat but keep it off, hope it helps some others!
"Caffeine's Effect on Hunger: Suppressant or Stimulant" article discussion 19 messages
Last message on 10/19/19 by Broxi69: I know that coffee makes my heart pound if I drink too much and have trouble sleeping, moderate intake is fine.
"Doing More Harm than Good with Our Healthy Lifestyle"" article discussion 20 messages
Last message on 10/17/19 by Dietitian: Thank you, ChezSherry-Sam, for your post! Yes, one must always consider and do what is recommended or appropriate for their specific medical condition (and ignore general advice that doesn't apply to them). So happy to hear that MyNetDiary is...
"6 tips to make sheet pan dinners easy" article discussion 36 messages
Last message on 11/28/19 by Redfield: My Net Diary is literally the Best weight loss community anywhere, i read it everyday and i am also grateful i found ... it helped me not only lose my fat but keep it off, hope it helps some others!
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.