Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Can I switch to classic version of MND? 2 messages
Last message on 10/14/19 by Dietician: Hello Mikesgrl- Let me make sure I am understanding your concern correctly: You would like to find out how to modify how your dashboard as it appears on your phone. Is this correct? You can select different dashboards by scrolling down to the...
whole30 13 messages
Last message on 10/07/19 by Dietician: Here's more information about Whole30- Best, Joanna (MND Dietician) ...
Help needed please 2 messages
Last message on 10/06/19 by Dietitian: Hi Reeny74, The iPad HD app was just retired in September. The development team said that the main iPhone app is now fully adapted for iPad, including special tablet navigation and special meals screen, as well as the rest of iPhone app...
"Here is the key to roasted vegetables made easy!" article discussion 85 messages
Last message on 11/06/19 by Jojobazar: MyNetDiary is literally the best weight lost community anywhere, I read it every day, and I am so grateful that I found ... , it helped me not only to lose weight but to keep it off, hope it will help some others!
"More Tips for Food Logging" article discussion 5 messages
Last message on 09/23/19 by Dietician: Hello Testarosa- I would encourage you to use the "Custom Food" function on the MND app. I find it easiest to pull up the recipe I want to enter on the computer while also having the MND app open on my phone. Then I find the recipe on the computer,...
"WHY IS MY BLOOD GLUCOSE SO HIGH WHEN I WAKE UP?" article discussion 9 messages
Last message on 04/26/20 by 1contactrebecca: Hello, I came across an interesting speech, this woman who was diagnosed with diabetes, and she found a way to self-heal. just click on the link, and maybe you'll have to click on I'm not a robot, and then, you can get to the speech...
"Do We Have a Contender? Harvard's Healthy Eating Plate Challenges USDA's MyPlate" article discussion 3 messages
Last message on 09/18/19 by U1186865653: Jaime Dixon
"Mediterranean Diet" article discussion 15 messages
Last message on 10/17/19 by Jomar123: I really love the blogs here on MyNetDiary and they've been a huge help for me, I go visit this site almost everyday, and I'm also grateful that I found ... just watch the video on the website or scroll through and see why. It helped me not only to...
"Strawberries: delicious, sweet, and healthy!" article discussion 11 messages
Last message on 09/27/19 by Sofiamaria23: I love mynetdiary posts they are so helpful! I also came across with this execelent program for weight loss you should check it out! ... This is a really good one i tested it myself and actually works pretty well! With all the love,...
"Simple Breakfast Ideas" article discussion 11 messages
Last message on 09/25/19 by Daniel.mccarty: Amazing article, thank you! Very simple and pragmatic. Hands down MyNet Diary is the best weight loss community at out there, I read and share this amazing articles almost daily. I'm also very thankful I found >>> ... which helped me...
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.