Cooking at home Topic

Hi guys,

just joined the team and I need some advice.
Do I need to start cooking to start loosing weight? Does anyone has experience to eat out and still loosing weight?
If you cook what is your approach? How do you plan your week.

I find that cooking my own meals is the best way to stay on track. You know EXACTLY what is going into your meals when you cook at home. Going out is fine every once in a while, but when I do I try to look at the menu of where I am going ahead of time and pick what I want to eat, then if necessary adjust my eating the rest of the day to work around that. You would be surprised at how much "extra" stuff restaurants put in their foods. Even salads I have learned can be upwards of 600-900 calories!

I have a family of 6 and I do not cook separate meals for anyone. We all eat the same thing. There are a ton of sites where you can find easy recipes. is one of my favorites, Pinterest too. That way you can put together a plan for the week and you know exactly what you will need to get when you go to the store.

Hope that helps some!

Cooking at home