Day 1! Topic

We did it guys!!! It looks like we all were able to stay under our calorie goals when factoring in our exercise! It is only 7:30 p.m. and I have a few calories available that I will probably eat, but I promise to keep under my calories. I know night time is the hardest, so let's stay strong!!!

Also, I made a DELICIOUS chick pea salad today when I got home. I put the recipe in if you want to give it a try. You can find it in my breakfast foods from today (I had to put it there because you have to have an empty meal to add the recipe). Let me know if you can't see the recipe. It may sound gross, but it was great and didn't take long to make. When I did the recipe, I put it in as 4 servings. So if you make it, divide it into 4 parts and the calories should be accurate.

How is everyone feeling?

i see a link to your chick pea salad but when i click on it nothing happens. if you want just post it in a new topic called recipes.

Also, good job staying under your calories and excercising. I didn't exercise yesterday but will in the future.

Thank you!!! Good job to you as well! I will post the recipe this evening after work! Hang tough today!!

Day 1!