MyNetDiary Person: Dietitian



Weight chart

Weight Plan

  • Start weight: 130lbs on 01/02/20
  • Current weight: 130.4lbs
  • Weight loss wanted: 7oz
  • Timeframe: 11 months and 27 days
  • Lost so far: none

About me

Current goal: Maintain my weight, maintain daily activity, weight lift 2-3 days/week, and get outdoors as much as possible!
Favorite diets: A mash-up of Mediterranean style, DASH, and Volumetrics.
Favorite activities: Hiking, walking, dancing, and skiing.
Geographic area: Colorado
More info: As of January 2020, I am retired from my role of dietitian consultant with MyNetDiary. I’m thrilled that there is a great dietitian team to provide support and expertise in my place.