Do you carry forward unused calories? Topic

I'm thinking of trying this to stop myself from feeling deprived but I wonder if a 'use them or lose them' attitude is better?

I've been using the free version for a while , bit the bullet and signed up.
I've figured out calorie cycling and have put fewer calories at the weekend ( I know, I'm an anomaly , right?) But lets's say I eat fewer calories on Friday , oh I don't know let's say 250, and I want to tag those onto Saturday, how is that done?

I wouldn't deduct calories as I think that's dangerous ground. Just allow myself more to compensate for a day when I under eat.

Hope that makes sense?

CC Lily
AKA Nicky

I think WW program works something like that, I found that to be a slippery slope it wasn’t safe to travel :)

I found counting carbs more effective than WW w. points. Years on WW & kept off weight but managing weight w carbs better bc include fats. I’m no longer hungry.

Do you carry forward unused calories?