Does step bonus over count calories from Apple watch Topic

Hi, just wondering how the app pulls calories from the Apple watch. Because in the active calories on Apple watch it already counts the calories from steps. Would turning on step bonus double count calories burned thanks.

Hi there U119351595-
MyNetDiary imports steps from your Apple Watch through communication with iOS Health. iOS Health then analyzes all this information, removes duplicated steps (for example same steps counted by both your phone and watch), and provides to MyNetDiary a consolidated, cleaned-up, accurate step count.
So, if you have allowed MyNetDiary to read your step data from iOS Health, then all information from your watch will be properly and accurately accounted for in MyNetDiary.
If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to email our support team at They are happy to help!
Have a great day~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Ok thank you sounds good.

Does step bonus over count calories from Apple watch