Eating every 2-3 hours? Topic

I've been watching a lot of "1000lb best friend" and "Family by the ton" episodes and one thing the nutritionists always suggest is eating a small meal every two to three hours. Is this really beneficial? What constitutes a small meal? I'm a 340lbs 43-year-old female with high blood pressure, left atrial enlargement, and prediabetes.

I’m a meal time only person so that would be difficult for me. To do every couple hours, frig I’d empty the fridge lol
Only 43 years old. I’m 54 and just starting to have health issues. You must be so scared, I wish you all the luck to get on track. ❤️

My mom died at 55 of liver failure due to her weight. She was in full-blown diabetes at my age. My younger brother has Congestive Heart Failure, diabetes, and stage 1 liver failure due to his weight. He's only 37. I have to get my life together. I can't go out like that.

Cari - my mom died of heart failure at 63 . She was diabetic as well. Heart disease runs in my family and even a little added weight causes my mitral valve to act up. I have mitral valve prolapse. I had 2 back surgeries last year that left me with nerve damage so I’m pretty sedentary. Hopefully we can all encourage one another! Good luck on your journey! 😊

42 here, starting to have some health issue. Learned I have the beginning of osteoarthritis in my knees which have been bothering me. I need to be healthy and lose some weight to take the pressure off of my knees. It’s inspiring to see people on here trying to make some positive changes to take care of themselves. Wishing you all the best on your journeys.

Hi CariB-
Welcome to MyNetDiary! Glad you found us and are prioritizing your health!
When it comes to weight loss the research isn't conclusive regarding meal frequency and whether snacking promotes more weight loss. I'd suggest listening to your body to determine which pattern works best for you.
You can use the "Notes" feature (look for the paperclip icon in the app) to track how you feel on days when you eat 3 balanced and healthy meals + snacks vs. days you only eat 3 balanced/healthy meals.

Make sure to keep your calories consistent with both eating patterns. As creating a negative energy balance (or eating fewer calories than your body needs) will be critical to experiencing weight loss.

In addition, you may find these articles helpful:

Please keep us updated on your progress. We are cheering you on! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Update - It's only been four days, but I have steadily stayed way under my calorie goal (2400) for the day by eating/drinking a protein shake every 2-3 hours. Monday I had 1700 calories, Tuesday and Wednesday were 1500 calories, and yesterday was 1400 calories. I'm doing best when I start and end my day with a protein shake. I've even lost 2 pounds already. :)


Eating every 2-3 hours?