eggs food grade of C? Topic

Hi, I ate 2 hard boiled eggs with celery & peanut butter for breakfast today.
I was surprised when I put the eggs in the tracker that they came up with a food grade of C!
They are a good source of protein, so why are they rated at C?


Hi there U1194169594-
Great question!

The Food Grade is not an assignment of food merit per se. It was designed by researchers to compare like items based only on nutrients currently listed on the food label. You can read more about it in this short article:

Eggs have a negative food score based on what they contain and what they do not contain.

For example, foods high in cholesterol will have a negative food score. One large egg contains between 170-190mg of cholesterol. This is a high amount. Also foods high in saturated fat will have a negative food score. Eggs are not high per say in saturated fat however a large egg can contain 32% of its fat as saturated fat. Also foods high in fiber will naturally get a higher food score. Since eggs do not contain any fiber this brings down their score.

Overall, eggs are healthy and part of a healthy diet. I would not encourage you to cut these foods out of your weekly meal plan. I hope this helps! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I know what motivated me to get - 60 lbs off was two simple rules. Keep to the daily calories goal and keeping food choices in the green (A & B score) I’ve lost respect for this app when things I know to be healthy aren’t labeled as so and things to be unhealthy products to be labeled as healthy.

Hi Shanoon, Please don't throw MyNetDiary under the bus just because of the Food Grade. Clients wanted a tool like this, but every tool that relies on an automated algorithm will have drawbacks. In the earlier days of MyNetDiary, we did not include a Food Grade (but people kept requesting such a tool). You can read more about it here:

In terms of nutrient goals and advice text, most are based upon the U.S. DRIs and U.S. Dietary Guidelines. I hope that MyNetDiary's other tracker features are beneficial.

Cheers and thanks for the feedback,
Kathy (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I turned off the Food Grades in Settings.

Thanks, I didn't know you could turn them off & will look into doing that.
My mind is just playing games with me and I don't want to see "bad grades" for things that I know are good for me.

Yes, same here. It was discouraging! I found the way to turn off food grades under Me > App Settings > Diet Logging.

eggs food grade of C?