Exercise + Diet + Weight Fluctuations Topic


I started using this app in late Nov. I immediately experienced weight loss and feeling healthier. I had gained some weight and am looking to lose about 10-15 lbs. typically, I’m athletically built and retain muscle well. But I’d gotten pretty out of shape. The gains I’ve made in body composition and feelings of fitness are substantial. My diet has cleaned up and proud of my efforts. I love what this app has done for me in a short period of time.

Over the past two weeks, my weight has gone up even thought I’m eating in a deficit and getting regular exercise.

I’ve had two “bad food days” over the holidays, but nothing ridiculous. I had burned a good amount of calories both of those days (though one of the exercise days was not logged or tracked).

In the past week, I’ve gone from my lowest weight to a steady daily increase that’s lead to almost a five lbs. increase.

My hydration tracking isn’t accurate, but I’m staying hydrated. All of my food tracking is pretty spot on. I use a kitchen scale and measuring cups for portions.

I know muscle weighs more than fat, but it’s pretty discouraging to see a trend moving in the wrong direction when it was going well, and my eating habits feel healthy and sustainable. It feels like my inflammation has increased.

I average about 500 calorie deficit. Some days are more, some days are less. It doesn’t feel sustainable to run a huge deficit when exercising regularly. I want to make sure I’m properly fueled for movement.

Any advice or insight to this nuance? Is it temporary as my body adjusts to increased exercise? I was going to keep doing what I’m doing for another week or two and if it doesn’t adjust back, I need to change something, but I have clue what I should try.

I’ve been experiencing something similar so any guidance would be great. I lost 14lbs over 2 months and now I’m starting a beginner weight loss program with low impact and walking, and I’ve gained 4lbs now when I am under calorie deficit by at least 500 calories a day.

I’m so proud of the heart you’re putting into getting healthy and the progress you have made!

Fluctuations on how much we eat can confuse our body. This can cause it to go into self-preservation mode to store up anything it feels it may not get back.

If you haven’t had a chance, scheduling a physical and bloodwork could offer some great insight.

Keep up the great work!

Hi Katie D and Cass 127,
Thanks for reaching out! It can be frustrating when you are not seeing results. Here are some things that may help get the scale moving again:

1. Make sure and eat 3 balanced meals each day. Many people are aware of this tip, though skip meals in an effort to get the scale moving. Eating 3 meals/day helps you meet your nutrient needs and prevents getting overly hungry. When we are overly hungry it is harder to make smart choices.You may find that exercise is making you more hungry.

2. Are you tracking carefully? Weigh your portions, using household measuring cups or a food scale. This will help ensure you aren't unconsciously eating more than you realize. This article can help with estimating portions: https://www.mynetdiary.com/estimating-portions-for-food-diary.html

3. Don't enable "Add exercise calories to budget." This way you won't be tempted to eat back the calories burned through activity.

4. While it is natural to pay close attention to the scale, there are a host of other ways to measure success when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle. These tips can help maintain motivation beyond the scale: https://www.mynetdiary.com/track-weight-loss-progress.html

You may find some of these tips helpful for breaking a weight loss plateau. Think about what may apply to you:



Hang in there and please keep us posted about how you are tweaking your plan to get the scale moving again! Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

A lot of things can lead to weight gain on a deficit.

If you have been taking any fitness supplements or have been eating more animal products your creatine levels might be elevated, thereby leading to an increase in water weight.

Secondly, are you weighing yourself in a consistent way every single day? (In the morning on an empty stomach after using the bathroom)

Either way, I would recommend you continue your current nutrition plan as is and continue to monitor things before altering anything.

Personally, I always think that gaining muscle weight is more worthy of celebration than losing body weight, so personally, I feel like you’re probably on the right track.

Good luck! Keep us updated.

- David

Remember though, muscle does not weigh more than fat.
A lb of muscle just takes up less space than a lb fat.
If you are building muscle instead of fat you should be seeing a difference in clothing and measurements.
Going up and down by 5lb can be normal, check your clothing fit and measurements just as much as you do your weight.

Hey y’all!

Thanks for the replies and encouragement! I wanted to come on an address questions/comments.

I weigh myself everyday first thing when I wake up, after using the bathroom and before drinking any water. It’s great advice for accurate data for anyone and everyone reading these comments. I use a Garmin fitness watch and got the Garmin scale, so they integrate seamlessly. When I step on the scale in the morning, the data is sent straight to this app. The charts on this app are better and more dynamic than Garmin.

I haven’t added any supplements to my diet. Interesting comment about animal products, though! I have increased animal product intake as I’ve reduced processed carbs like bread.

I understand that 1 lbs. muscle = 1 lbs. of fat. I suppose I was lazily saying a common heard phrase as it relates to volume, too. I hadn’t really thought about it that much. That said - all of my clothes fit better.

I’m eating three meals a day. I use a kitchen scale to track portions and make best estimates when I’m out of my home. I feel like I’ve struck a healthy balance of being accurate and consistent without being obsessive.

I appear to have gotten off the plateau and my trending weight is moving in a downward trajectory again.

At the beginning of this process my overall goal was to feel good again. I felt like crap before. I’ve cleaned up my diet, increased my movement, and I really enjoy the tracking habits this app utilizes. I was a bit discouraged by the sudden plateau as I’m a pretty goal oriented person, but as many have said before me - it’s not about the number on the scale - it’s about how ya feel. I feel sooo much better!

My more detailed goal was cut weight by 10 lbs. and then hit a maintenance zone and focus on strength training.

For the well endowed ladies out there - I’ve (enthusiastically) dropped a full cup size in the chest. It feels so much better.

If I don’t eat in line with my movement, I get really light headed and have low energy workouts. I’m short, so my allowable daily calories are lower than average. If I burn 400 calories and I’m running a 500 calorie deficit, a 900 calorie deficit has me wobbly in the knees and doesn’t feel sustainable. I’m going to keep my calorie adjusted intake based on movement on.

Thanks y’all!

Hi Katie D,
It sounds like you are being very thoughtful about your plan. Glad to hear the scale is moving for you again! Good idea to fuel your workouts. Well done! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Just trying to add my missus

Hi Rileycassels-
Welcome to MyNetDiary!
Hopefully, your healthy habits are rubbing off on your partner~

These tips can help support your partner when it comes to meeting health goals and losing weight: https://www.mynetdiary.com/lose-weight-as-a-couple.html
Have a great day! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Exercise + Diet + Weight Fluctuations