Exercise, Fitness, and Sports Topics

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports

Exercise and aging 3 messages

Last message on 08/14/17 by Dietitian: Great suggestions! I'm 55 and find that variety helps to avoid boredom as well as repetitive stress injuries. Fortunately, walking for 30-45 minutes is still mostly pain-free so I typically include as a part of my daily routine. But I find that...

Crossfit at home? 5 messages

Last message on 07/22/17 by Jarritt: All exercises can be modified to fit your fitness level. If the crossfit workout calls for pull-ups and you can't do one, YouTube pull-up modifications. They will show you how to properly perform the exercise. Just don't do anything your not...

Body h2o level 3 messages

Last message on 06/08/17 by Dietitian: Hi U4933463, you can get your body fat measured with different devices, not all of which are very precise or accurate. Many folks use a specially designed scale that uses bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) technology to get an assessment of...

Pain makes me want to eat! 4 messages

Last message on 06/08/17 by Dietitian: Hi Suziwollman, a lot of folks have that experience - wanting to eat more while healing. You do want to eat well to heal, but the trick is to not go overboard with calories. Here are some blog posts you can check out: ... And here are some food...

New Friends 6 messages

Last message on 06/04/17 by Dr.Taylor: ...

Working out when you're sick 7 messages

Last message on 06/04/17 by Dr.Taylor: ...

Extra Cals After Exercise 7 messages

Last message on 06/04/17 by Dr.Taylor: ...

Increased appetite when on your period 7 messages

Last message on 06/04/17 by Dr.Taylor: ...

Ketones!! Keto diet by Dr. Taylor 1 messages

Last message on 06/04/17 by Dr.Taylor: ...

Knee pain 4 messages

Last message on 05/25/17 by Dietician: Hi Fishin01country16- Sorry to hear about your knee. How is it now? Hopefully it has healed naturally on it's own. Great advice on this topic from the others who have chimed in. Starting slowly and gradually increasing your planned physical...

Exercise, Fitness, and Sports. Exercise, Fitness, and Sports