Favorite Healthy Snacks Topic

What are your favorite healthy snacks, that are healthy, make you feel beautiful, and replace the evil sugar culprits?

Mine are
1.) Baked Sweet Potato with packet of splenda on skins
2.) Eggplant Parm! Baked, with 1/2 tbsp butter, sliced to perfection and sprinkled with Parm cheese
3.) Carrots- sweet, replace sugar
4.) AVOCADO! Slice it up and only eat 1-2 at a time. I have dry skin and this luxurious and expensive delight slicks my skin with natural oils and leaves me feeling divine (and a little naughty).

Soy beans. I drench them in lime juice and sprinkle some salt on.

I like fresh fruit, blackberries, goji berries, a small orange. I need to replace sugar and chocolate more specifically... any suggestions?

For replacing sweets one of my favorites is a frozen banana purée, with some added raw cacao powder. Look up 'one ingredient banana ice-cream'. I try to stay away from refined sugar so that I don't trigger more cravings.

Blueberries when they are in season.... mmmmm!!

Favorite Healthy Snacks