Feature Suggestion: Search by Restaurant Topic

Here's the scenario. We head out to a restaurant for a meal. We get a burger, fries, and a shake (ugh, it hurts to write that; haven't had any of those in a while!). Then we go to enter it and we type into the app "McDonald's Big Mac", select the burger, then "McDonald's French Fries", select the fries, then "McDonald's Shake", select the shake. It would be awesome if MyNetDiary saw after "McDonald's Big Mac" that I was selecting things at McDonald's so that subsequent searches in that meal would put any result containing that restaurant name right up to the top.

Of course, what I'd really use it for is perusing the nutrition information of the menu items in a far more accessible way than the published nutrition sheet. Letting me easily go from one burger on the menu to the next to see what nutritional effect it will have would help the decision paralysis at the restaurant greatly.

Feature Suggestion: Search by Restaurant