First day! Topic

You need to enter your lunch and dinner for today! hehehehhehe :) I am keeping track! :):):)

OK, I have found the link again!!

Yip - that weight I weighed in at yesterday which seemed too good to be true - it was! I must have read it wrong or something....anyway...still happy with this week as my first week :) Hope you did ok while you were away!! :)

I hope I get a loss tomorrow. It was a pain putting on weight the last 2 days!!

OK, better today!! Yay!! When are you doing you full day of Zumba??

I went up today!!! what?!?!?!?!

Yay for you doing better though! woop woop! My full day of Zumba is on Thursday! woo hoo! I think I am going to weigh myself only every 3/4 days or something, I am not sure I like all the ups and downs! Though have to admit it is my own fault..... had some chocolate last night that I didn't track cause didn't want to know how many calories I had! :(

Who is looking after the kids on Thursday?? I saw your weight do a little upward thing today. Just like I had yesterday!! I think the secret is to weigh yourself as soon as you wake up, before coffee or anything. That's funny with the chocolate. I was pretty good yesterday!! xxx

Samuel is looking after the kiddies on Thursday - taking a day :) I know - my little upward thing is so annoying!! grrr!! I have tried to be super good today and went to Pilates, so hopefully won't go up again tomorrow!! :)

Ok, the key is not to lose the plot later in the day. I had a glass of wine last night which I should not have had. 120 calls. Ugh. After all my hard work during the day. Anyway, hit a new digit this morning, so always like it when I see a new number that I haven't seen before. Off to the dentist this morning and then into the office. Xxx

First day!