First day! Topic

Wow, you are up early. You have weighed yourself already. Go girl!!

I know - pretty pleased after yesterdays yuck number! yay! my first small goal is to get to 130lbs :) And teaching Stroller Strides today! woop woop! :)

you went down again today too! woop woop! Team dad and maria on track! :):):)

We rock!!

Hope you had fun today. Zumba girl. Real jealous that you are burning calories while I am here burning like 6 calories an hour. Anyhow, still a small decrease today. we are going soooo well!!!

I cant believe you have lost 6 pounds. You are beating me so bad!!

ok, so my weight went up again! How is that after burning like 600 calories yesterday!?!?!? Anyways :):):)

your graph is looking awesome by the way!!! :):) so dad! woop woop!

Wow, it must be the water or something that has kept your weight up today. It will move tomorrow....

I stayed even today, so quite pleased with that!! Also, your weight went down so quick to start with, it was never going to keep ding that fast...

First day!