First day! Topic

OK, up a bit today, but feel OK about that.....

ok - new clean slate for me tomorrow - today has been another bad day :( haven't tracked today :( tomorrow it's all back on!

OK, I had a bit of a shocker yesterday. Deb got her name officially changed and had a little bit too many liquid calories, if you know what I mean!!

that is totally a reason to celebrate!!! :):):) Debby Doddrell aye!!!! :)

OK, I have flatlined the last 3 days. Ugh. need to see some gone tomorrow. xxx

Have you stopped weighing yourself?

I have stopped for a couple of days cause I got sick of seeing the number go up!
so trying really hard for a couple of days and then will weigh again!! :)

Ok- have added my food and exercise for the day so far :) Just got to make it through the 5pm chocolate cravings now!

we both went above the blue dotted line today!!!! argh!!!!!

Yep, I had a shocker weigh in this morning. Could not believe it!! Aaaarrrgghhhh!!!!!!!!!!

First day!