First day! Topic

Ok weighed myself for first time today for 2 weeks. Pleasantly surprised!!!

Welcome Ally to the weight losing champion team!!

back on track team!!!!!

ok - everyone now back on track - mostly me I think who needs to be back on track! weigh in tomorrow for first time in 2 weeks! :) scary!

Oh my gosh - things are not going well for me - have put on like 3.5 pounds in 2 weeks - not pretty :( ok - now have got most of things that were stressing me out, out of the way it is back on track! weigh in every day for me!

ok, I am sort of back on track. Eaten well for the last two days since getting back from London. Have to reach my target by 22nd December. I think I can still do it!!!!

I am not sure whose graph is worse, yours or mine. There is always tomorrow!!!!

Hehehehhehhee! Well I have to admit - I found the delete button for all previous data! And I did..........But this is the last time I am starting over, because I am always starting over, so will just have to keep to it this time - and i promise - no more delete from now on! :):) Have already tracked breakfast :) My goal for this week is to just track food everyday :)

Go girl!! You will be awesome!!!!

Ok, tracked food yesterday :) yay! :):)

First day!