Food Grade & Food Score Topic

That’s a shame they are phasing it out as I enjoy seeing what scores it gives my food. I’ve never fully believed the scoring could be 100% accurate, but it was fun.

Hi Miatagal, the Food Score/Grade will be available for a little while longer. However, the Food Score won't be valid for food items that use the new food label (unless the new label voluntarily includes vitamin A and calcium). Same goes for any food from restaurants where they only provide calories and macronutrients. But many people feel that it is a useful tool. Thanks for the feedback!

Wait: the government is cutting out info from food labels????

Hi Jojo_lndy, the food label is changing so that certain nutrients will be optional and others will be required. But the Food Score/Grade is based upon the required nutrients on the old label. Here are the two labels side by side:

Kathy (Dietitian)

Food Grade/Score is certainly fun, but weird. Dark chocolate gets a D; vodka, whiskey, tequilla, and beer get B+ Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Chanson2354,

Yes, the food grade/score can be difficult to interpret. It is important to use Food Grade simply to compare similar types of foods. It is a tool to help you choose foods and beverages within the same categeory with higher Food Grades (e.g. A vs. D).

Here is an article you might find helpful that discusses uses and limitations of using the food grade/score tool.

Hope this helps! Brenda (Dietitian, MyNetDiary)

Food Grade & Food Score