Food Grade & Food Score Topic

Hi Folks, Food Score will be higher if your custom recipe's serving is larger (and if the ingredients have high scores). It's just a quirky thing about how the value is calculated. It's not perfect. The Food Score is a tool to compare like items, assuming a single serving size. You can learn more about it by reading the earlier posts in this thread.

And you can learn more about recipes in general in this short blog post:


I'm confused. I entered a food, and on the entry screen, it gave a food grade of D+ for one serving. But when I click on the "i" to go to the nutrition facts screen, it gives the same serving size of the same food an A. That's not an insignificant discrepancy! How do I compare this to other similar foods when it seems the calculator can't even decide on a grade for this one?

Hi Jd87, I don't see that my Food Grade for a food changes unless the serving size is different. When you click on the "i," does it display the same serving size?

Also, can you give me the exact name of your food item so I can look at it too?


Yes, it's the same serving size, same calorie count. It's a recipe I entered myself, called Killer Shrimp jd87. When I choose "serving" on the "Entry" screen, I see the recipe name, 326 cals, 9 net carbs, n/a grams, D+ grade. When I click on the "i", I see the same name, serving, calories, plus more detail about nutrients, and "A" grade.

Hello Jd87- Kathy will be back on Thursday and can get back with you on this- Thanks. Joanna

Hi Jd87, I copied your recipe to view it, but for some reason, I haven't been able to open the link to your recipe. I have sent Support a query about this. Sorry for the delay.

Okay, thanks. I'll stay tuned.

Support replicated my problem too - they are still working on it. I'll check in again with them tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.

Maybe whatever is causing that problem is the same thing that makes the grade change. It's interesting, anyway :)

Did anybody ever figure this out?

Food Grade & Food Score